


Click and drag around the board to draw a line a dominos.

Press spacebar to knock them down!

Press R to clear the board.

Key Timing

Shows the time taken between two keypresses.

Type into the textbox on the left, and see the average time to go from a source letter (Y axis) to destination letter (X axis).

Time is displayed in seconds.


Recreation of an old Processing demo. Click to force the particles towards the walls.

Wikipedia Visualization

Shows a graphical representation of the links between Wikipedia articles.

Type in the title of a Wikipedia article and press enter.


Game written in 2007, when I was in high school. Ported from Java to JS.

I tried to preserve as much of the behavior and code structure as I wrote it originally, bugs and all.


A simple, stylized cityscape.

Ported from an old (2010) Java demo to WebGL using three.js.


A basic implementation of flocking, inspired by Craig Reynolds’ classic Boids simulation.


A simple particle system with mouse controls.

Wave your mouse to push particles.
Click and hold to attract particles.
If you release the mouse and wait, particles will shoot out randomly.

Cherry Blossom

Renders a tree waving in the wind using a recursive tree structure and a particle system.

My name is Daniel Winkler.

I am interested in science, programming, and art.

I discovered programming in elementary school with a TRS-80 Basic Emulator and Lego Mindstorms. Beginning in middle school, I spent my summers working in a molecular biology lab at the University of Texas at Austin. In another life I may have been an electrical engineer, but after frying too many microcontrollers in high school, I moved toward software, which I found more forgiving. Nevertheless, I still find myself somewhere in between software and hardware, tinkering with CNC mills, 3D printers, and robots in general.